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system.c File Reference

newlib Interface Hooks More...

Data Structures

struct  fs_mapping_t
 Filesystem mapping structure. More...


#define STACK_SIZE   0x10000
 Stack size. More...
#define DEBUG_OUT(x)   ((uint32_t *)0xA4400044)[0] = ((uint32_t)(x))
 Write to the MESS debug register. More...
#define BITS(v, b, e)   ((unsigned int)(v) << (31-(e)) >> (31-(e)+(b)))
 Extract bits from word.
 Number of buckets file handles are divided into.
 Size of each bucket of file handles.
#define FILENO_MAKE(bkt_idx, bkt_pos, fs_index)   ( (bkt_pos) | ((bkt_idx) << 5) | (((fs_index)+1) << 11) )
 Create a fileno. More...
#define FILENO_GET_FS_INDEX(fileno)   ((int)BITS( (fileno), 11, 14 ) - 1)
 Extract the filesystem index from a fileno.
#define FILENO_GET_BUCKET_IDX(fileno)   BITS( (fileno), 5, 10 )
 Extract the bucket index from a fileno.
#define FILENO_GET_BUCKET_POS(fileno)   BITS( (fileno), 0, 4 )
 Extract the bucket position from a fileno.
STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR definitions from unistd.h

We can't just include unistd.h as it redefines several of the functions here that we are attempting to replace.

#define STDIN_FILENO   0
 Standard input file descriptor.
#define STDOUT_FILENO   1
 Standard output file descriptor.
#define STDERR_FILENO   2
 Standard error file descriptor.


void enable_interrupts ()
 Enable interrupts systemwide. More...
void disable_interrupts ()
 Disable interrupts systemwide. More...
int close (int fileno)
 Close a file. More...
int attach_filesystem (const char *const prefix, filesystem_t *filesystem)
 Register a filesystem with newlib. More...
int detach_filesystem (const char *const prefix)
 Unregister a filesystem from newlib. More...
int chown (const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group)
 Change ownership on a file or directory. More...
int execve (char *name, char **argv, char **env)
 Load and execute an executable given a path. More...
void _exit (int rc)
 End execution on current thread. More...
int fork (void)
 Fork execution into two threads. More...
int fstat (int fileno, struct stat *st)
 Return stats on an open file handle. More...
int getpid (void)
 Return the PID of the current thread. More...
int gettimeofday (struct timeval *ptimeval, void *ptimezone)
 Return the current time. More...
int isatty (int file)
 Return whether a file is a TTY or a regular file. More...
int kill (int pid, int sig)
 Send a signal to a PID. More...
int link (char *existing, char *new)
 Link a new file to an existing file. More...
int lseek (int file, int ptr, int dir)
 Seek to a location in a file. More...
int open (const char *file, int flags,...)
 Open a file given a path. More...
int read (int fileno, char *ptr, int len)
 Read data from a file. More...
int readlink (const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Read a link. More...
void * sbrk (int incr)
 Return a new chunk of memory to be used as heap. More...
int stat (const char *file, struct stat *st)
 Return file stats based on a file name. More...
int symlink (const char *path1, const char *path2)
 Create a symbolic link to a file. More...
clock_t times (struct tms *buf)
 Return time information on the current process. More...
int unlink (char *name)
 Remove a file based on filename. More...
int wait (int *status)
 Wait for a child process. More...
int write (int file, char *ptr, int len)
 Write data to a file. More...
int dir_findfirst (const char *const path, dir_t *dir)
 Find the first file in a directory. More...
int dir_findnext (const char *const path, dir_t *dir)
 Find the next file in a directory. More...
int hook_stdio_calls (stdio_t *stdio_calls)
 Hook into stdio for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR callbacks. More...
int unhook_stdio_calls (stdio_t *stdio_calls)
 Unhook from stdio. More...
int hook_time_call (time_t(*time_fn)(void))
 Hook into gettimeofday with a current time callback. More...
int unhook_time_call (time_t(*time_fn)(void))
 Unhook from gettimeofday current time callback. More...
void _flush_cache (uint8_t *addr, unsigned long bytes)
 Implement _flush_cache as required by GCC for nested functions. More...
void __assert_func (const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *failedexpr)
 Implement underlying function for assert() More...


char * __env [1] = { 0 }
 Environment variables.
void(* __assert_func_ptr )(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *failedexpr)=0
 Assert function pointer (initialized at startup)
int __bootcic
 Boot CIC. More...
time_t(* time_hook )(void) = NULL
 Function to provide the current time.

Detailed Description

newlib Interface Hooks